Concrete & Limelight Foundation

An equitable society can be achieved if each abled individual is willing to participate in the upliftment of less privileged sections of the society. C&L believes in contributing towards the greater good by doing its bit of CSR activities. C&L Foundation has planned and is ready to set up work with the grassroot initiatives that bring positive changes to the lives of underprivileged children, their families and communities. Following are the sectors that are planned to be included in it's program.

CSR Gallery

Plantation Program
  • C&L has planned for a Plantation program for Hyderabad

Blood Donation Camp
  • C&L has pledged to conduct blood donation camp to save lives

Education Sponsorship
  • C&L has included in its mandate to educate poor children for their bright future

Free Water Camp
  • Quenching the thirst of the citizens of Hyd; an initiative in this regard is also planned.

Donation for an old aged home
  • C&L has plans to help elderly people who are needy and helpless.

Rural Sports
  • Training to promote Sports in rural areas

Agricultural Development
  • Several activities are planned for the betterment of the lives of the agricultural community.

Women Empowerment
Rural Area
  • C&L has planned to open a Learning Center that enables rural women to develop entrepreneurial skills to start their own businesses.